PRODUCTS / Medical Devices / Repel Anti-Lice RESTORE

Medical Devices / Repel Anti-Lice RESTORE

Repel Anti-Lice RESTORE


Repel Anti-Lice RESTORE comprises of a Lotion / Shampoo & a specially designed comb and effectively relieves the scalp of lice and nits.

It should be applied on hair, only after a confirmed infestation of lice.

Repel Anti-Lice RESTORE:

1. Kills lice and nits in 15 minutes.
2. Eliminates nit residuals thanks to its specially designed comb.
3. Leaves the hair clean after a quick rinse.

Mode of action:

Thanks to the unique combination of dimethicone and coconut oil derivatives, when it is applied on the scalp and hair, it creates a temporary artificial barrier to the airways of lice, resulting in necrosis of these organisms due to suffocation, within 15 minutes.

Repel Anti-Lice RESTORE eliminates lice by an absolute mechanical way. Its special composition:

  • Ensures the effective lice and nit elimination in 15 minutes, with only one application.
  • Cleans the hair leaving it soft and easy to brush.
  • Does not promote adaptation of the parasites.
  • Is dermatologically tested and suitable for children over 2 years old and adults.
  • The packaging ensures the ideal quantity for family use.

How to Use

Repel Anti-Lice RESTORE is a medical device that has been developed in Uni-pharma laboratories.

Repel Anti-Lice PREVENT, like any other product of Repel® line, is free from:

– chemical biocides,
– essences,
– colorings,
– parabens.

Dermatologically tested.

Bottle of 200gr.

Exclusively available in pharmacies.

Package: BT x FL x 200 mL + brush
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose